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Safe Loading Pass Scheme (SLPS)

The UK Petroleum Industry Association (UKPIA) with support and joint management from the Tank Storage Association (TSA) signed an agreement with the Freight Transport Association (FTA) to launch a revised SLPS.  This became active on 30 April 2015.

Recognised by members of the UKPIA and the TSA, SLPS aims to identify vehicles and trailers that have been deemed to meet specified safety standards for admittance to fuel loading terminals.

The scheme is owned by UKPIA with support from the TSA.  The two associations, together with member representatives, direct the scheme and set the standards for vehicle and trailer inspections, inspection technician training as well as inspection locations by way of a Management Group.

The FTA delivers the scheme on their behalf and is an advisory member of the Management Group, along with the Energy Institute, the Downstream Oil Distribution Forum and a User Group representative.

The scheme applies to terminals supplying the following fuels with the following UN numbers:

Liquid fuels


The scheme does not apply to vehicles registered outside England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland or vehicles loading bitumen, black oil or lubricants.